Enter the Flow

Access the State of  Maximum Performance

The common trait of every great performer in all of life’s endeavors is the ability to enter a special state of consciousness in which mind, body and action become one and performance is excellent and effortless. This state is called “the flow.” Leaders who learn to “be in the flow” are able to express their full potential and achieve excellence in life and business.

  • Understand your mind and your focus.

  • Open the gateway to the “flow.”

  • Access the “flow” and act from within it.

  • Learn to exclude distractions.

  • Work in the highest state of performance.

The “flow” state.

All great performers in all of life’s endeavors have demonstrated a common ability: the ability to enter a special state of consciousness. A state in which mind, body and action are one. A state of being completely absorbed in the action being performed. A state in which the action becomes natural, pleasurable, effortless. A state in which a dancer can dance for hours, a runner can run an entire marathon with fluidity, a scholar can read and absorb enormous amounts of information.

This state is called “the flow.” The name was first given in 1975 by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist and then professor at the University of Chicago.

When one is in the flow, the mind is absorbed and becomes one with the body and the action. The agent and the action become one. The mind melts into the body and action. Creativity is maximized. New things and solutions are easily discovered.

“Flow” is a pleasant and intense state in which the performer often loses all sense of time and sometimes 5 minutes seems like an hour and sometimes the opposite happens. Always, the performer experiences maximum performance, brilliant creativity, increased productivity.

Getting into “the flow” is the special ability that great leaders have in all areas of life. Great painters enter “the flow” when they paint their masterpieces. Great writers enter “the flow” when they write books, which are able to elevate the consciousness of humanity. Great speakers enter “the flow” when they deliver their speeches, which can inspire millions of people. Great athletes enter the “flow” when they perform their best deeds in sports. We recognize “the flow” in great runners, gymnasts, soccer players, dancers, billiard players. Great computer programmers are able to “flow” into programming for hours and days and even feel no need to eat, drink or get up from their position until the job is done.

Every great performer who has reached the top in his or her field who was interviewed described the same experience: an experience of “trance,” absorption, inner silence, unity, being in doing and doing in being, where everything is natural and effortless, everything “flows.”

In the flow state, the performer is up to 10 times more productive and more creative than in the normal state of consciousness.

In the “Entering the Flow” training, leaders will learn how to dissolve their mind into action and access the productive state of flow. They will learn how to be in the flow state while reading, studying, talking, walking, running, public speaking or working on their computers. They will learn several step-by-step processes that allow the mind to be absorbed into the body and into action, thus entering the creative and productive flow state.


The “Getting into the Flow” training is a 6-day intensive course.