
Moving Minds and Hearts

The leader, by definition, leads people to action. That is why true leaders are exquisitely persuasive: they know human nature, they move minds and hearts, they lead people to success: to improve their own lives and to improve the world.

  • Understanding human nature.

  • Motivate people.

  • Establish an immediate connection with the other.

  • Move people to action.

  • Learn from great leaders.

“A person can have the best ideas in the world, but if they can’t communicate them to others and convince them, it doesn’t matter.”

– Gregory Berns, American neuroscientist and neuro-economist

“The most important skill for a leader is knowledge of human nature”

– Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America

Art and science of persuasion.

Persuasion is communication with the aim of convincing others and moving them to action.

When people speak of persuasion, many think of manipulation. The two concepts are radically different. Persuasion is based on truth. It starts from an intent to do good: it intends to elevate people to a better state. It uses good communication skills. And, whatever the outcome, it respects the free will and choice of others.

Persuasion is therefore different from manipulation, which is mainly based on falsehood and bad intentions; which can use great communication skills: and the better they are, the more dangerous they turn out to be; which does not care about people’s freedom of choice: it only cares about achieving its own goals. Persuasion, then, is the art of convincing people of the truth, with the intention of doing good, using exquisite communication skills and respecting freedom of choice.

The definition implies that the persuader must work on himself first in order to be able to persuade. He needs to raise his awareness, to have a pure heart, to be rooted in sound principles, to have good intentions, to have great communication skills, to have respect for people and their freedom of choice, ultimately for their lives.

Persuasive leader.

The ‘Persuasion’ training will teach the principles and strategies of persuasion. It will also teach the ‘tricks’ and techniques of manipulation, which must be known to be avoided in one’s own behaviour and recognised in the behaviour of others, so as not to fall prey to manipulators in business and in life.

By applying the principles and strategies of persuasion, as a leader, you will become able to attract people’s deserved trust and become the leader that people love, admire and want to follow.


The training lasts 6 days, in an intensive format, spread over two weekends of 3 days each.