Public Speaking for Business

As a business leader, you need to connect with employees, partners, customers, consumers and all company stakeholders. Deepen your public speaking skills in business contexts.

– It presents a clear message.

– It establishes trust and credibility.

– Becomes a great storyteller.

– Master the art of answering questions and objections.

– Learn the strategies of the greatest speakers in business.


Exquisite storytelling.

By knowing ‘public speaking’, one can go deeper into advanced knowledge and practical strategies applicable specifically to business.

Great communicators in business are great storytellers: they are able to tell the business as a real-life story, which becomes a journey from which the values, purpose, vision and culture of the business are built. It is a well-communicated story that engages people on an emotional level and inspires them to action. Great examples of exquisite storytelling in business are Steve Jobs and Apple, Howard Shultz and Starbucks, Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway, Jeff Bezos and Amazon, Bill Gates and Microsoft.

Howard Shultz was CEO of Starbucks between 1986 and 2000, and in a ‘second coming’ between 2008 and 2017. He was able to tell a story about coffee that was new, engaging, aromatic and flavourful: after a trip to Italy in 1983, he fell in love with the way Italian coffee bars served delicious coffee and brought people together, bringing local communities together; he fell in love with the way these places were a ‘third place between home and work’; he then wanted to import this cosy corner of Italy to the United States, with its ‘Latte’, ‘Cappuccino’ and ‘Macchiato’.

Americans loved the novelty. And Starbucks became an American icon, changing the culture of an entire country and becoming one of the fastest growing and most profitable businesses in American and world history.

The ability to tell a beautiful story, along with the ability to run a beautiful business, is one of the keys to success in business. The ‘Public Speaking in Business’ training will reveal the successful strategies of the best communicators in business in telling their stories (in both principle and structure), building the speech like a map, ‘owning’ the space and stage, interacting with the audience on a deeper level, connecting with people on both rational and emotional levels, responding to questions and objections with skill, resolving objections before they are even presented, understanding and leading, being a master of the art of humour, using images, words and colours with exquisite taste, knowing how to speak in different business contexts and in front of different audiences.


The training lasts 3 days.