Performance Meditation

Activate Your Leader’s Brain

Activate your leadership brain. Activate the areas of the brain that preside over your leadership faculties: making decisions, managing emotions, overcoming obstacles and temptations, focusing on the most important goals.

  • Knowing the structure and functioning of the brain.

  • Practising the right meditations.

  • Stimulate the leadership areas.

  • Activate the leadership brain.

  • Realise goals.

The leader’s brain.

Leader is by definition the one who has the ability to ‘lead’.

Neuroscience has discovered that there is a specific part of the brain that is responsible for our ability to lead ourselves and others, to manage our emotions and to focus and achieve our most important goals. That part is the prefrontal cortex. It is the leadership part of our brain.

When the prefrontal cortex is active, you are able to overcome the tendency to procrastinate and do the necessary work; you are able to overcome short-term temptations and focus on your long-term goals; you are able to focus more, execute more and achieve more.

Science has discovered that the prefrontal cortex is the seat of our consciousness, willpower and leadership.

A study conducted at Harvard University between 2006 and 2011 on groups of meditators versus non-meditators showed that after only eight weeks of meditation, specific areas of the brain were more active and the physical size of the same areas (measured as grey matter density) increased:

– the prefrontal cortex, involved in working memory and executive decision-making,

– the posterior cingulate, which is activated when the mind wanders and is the centre of self-importance,

– the left hippocampus, which aids in learning, cognition, memory and emotional regulation,

– the temporo-parietal junction, which is associated with the sense of perspective, empathy and compassion,

– the area of the brainstem called the pons, where many regulatory neurotransmitters are produced.

Studies have shown that our brain shrinks as we age, so it is more difficult for the elderly to understand and remember. Whereas 50-year-old meditators have been shown to have the same amount of grey matter as 25-year-olds!

On the other hand, in meditators, the amygdala, the part of the brain that presides over the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction, which is responsible for anxiety, fear and stress in general, has become smaller and less active. The deeper the meditation, the less stressful the meditator, the smaller the amygdala becomes.

Research has found that meditation increases leadership skills and improves health. It helps you manage stress better and promotes longevity.

As a leader, you need to activate your prefrontal cortex and brain correctly in order to realise your full potential. The prefrontal cortex and the brain in general are like a muscle: they can be trained with the right exercise.

The ‘Meditation for Performance’ course guides you in activating the prefrontal cortex and other parts of the brain to create your ‘Leader Brain’.

The ‘Meditation for Performance’ course is based on the ancient traditions of India and China, with techniques that have been tested by western science.


The complete training lasts 24 days and specifically teaches the science and practices of activating the brain and prefrontal cortex in a step-by-step process that you will easily learn with the assistance of the trainer and then apply in your life, becoming independent. Different durations and modes are possible, in order to meet individual needs. A shorter version of the training, even one or three days, is possible.